


Conference fees

We offer different rates, according to your desire and membership status:

  • € 150 for admission to the conference as an eligible student
  • € 300 for admission to the conference if you are member*
  • € 350 for admission to the conference + new membership/membership renewal
  • € 400 for admission to the conference only

* Notice: you are member if you have already registered/renewed in 2017 as a Supporting Member

Our student rate is exclusively for full time students. To allow us to verify this condition, please register using your university e-mail address. We have a maximum of 10 slots available for students.

Multiconference Pack (MCP)

The Multi Conference Pack is a special rate for participants who register for both the CIP Conference and the SRA-E conference (Society for Risk Analysis - Europe) in Lisbon on June 19-21, 2017.

When combining these two conferences, participants get a discount on both conference fees. For the CIP Conference part, the discounted fee, including a CIP membership, is €300 (which equals to a €50 discount).

Participants that select the MCP option should provide us with their proof of registration of the SRA-E conference. If this information is not provided before the conference, the difference between the MCP fee and the normal fee must be paid on-site.

Supporting CIP Member

If you are not able to attend the Lisbon conference, we invite you to the Supporting Membership, which includes CIP membership but not conference admission.

  • €50 Supporting Member

Your fee is an individual, personal membership contribution and not subject to VAT. For your payment transaction, we provide you with a payment notice on your request.